Based on the industry factor, sanitary pads should be categorized under FMCG. Hence, its consumers’ RBI should be around 40%. However, we feel that since sanitary pads are low involvement goods and the functionality is more important than the brand, the RBI for the consumer segments that we have identified should be less than 40%.
Caregivers: 34%
Caregivers are most brand-conscious because they usually purchase sanitary pads for the household. As described earlier in Stage 1, they would usually buy quality products as they care for their family members. In addition, as they buy in large quantities, the perceived risk of Caregivers’ purchase is greater and thus, they would spend more time making calculated decisions. This means that they would rely more on branding, as a signal for quality and assurance, when making a purchase decision.
Independent Stockpilers: 30%
Independent Stockpilers are predicted to be the relatively less brand-conscious compared to Caregivers but more brand-conscious compared to those with Urgent Needs. Since they usually buy sanitary pads for themselves, they are able to switch brands whenever they see fit with little switching costs and perceived risk. However, their RBI is relatively similar to Caregivers because quality and functionality are still important considerations for their purchase. Moreover, unlike people with Urgent Needs, they have the luxury of time to think through their purchase.
Urgent Needs : 22%
Consumers with Urgent Needs would be the most price-sensitive and least brand-conscious because they have lesser time and motivation to seek out the best sanitary pad brand. Price and small packaging size would be more convenient heuristics in this case because consumers would either not want to spend so much money for a one-time urgent use or they would not want to carry around a huge packaging of sanitary pads.
Cycle Buyers: +26%
Cycle buyers are more brand-conscious and less price-sensitive as compared to an Urgent Needs customer. Although they also have lesser time to seek out the best sanitary pad brand, they still want to ensure that the pads they are getting are of good quality and functionality as they will be using it for their entire menstrual cycle for that month. Therefore, they are likely to be brand-conscious as they want to be comfortable with the brand they choose that will be used for that month.